Saturday, September 15, 2012

"The Burden"

You'll never know heaven
unless you go through hell.
If you haven't sold your soul,
Just deal with the winters
And bear the cold.
It's not easy to chase summers
When the monkey on your back
Is a gorilla stuntin' in a hummer.
Or the old ball and chain
Is a reflection
of a love gone insane.
Crabs in a barrel
holdin' you back
like fiens copping for police
For an extra or free hit of crack.
Young generations
trying to steal your future
For a Newport.
They startin' habits so early
they're minds can't frame ways to support.
Old glory days
only memories
Of ruthless and deadly ways
of living unforgiving
until your aged and weeping,
Tired of sleeping
With dreams of tormenting demons
Who take the forms of baby mothers
breathing down your neck
Like evil, greedy, lazy heathens
Using their bodies
As tools of profit
against fools who have it
Less than the eye can see.
Truth and knowledge be
the only weapons
To set me free.

1 comment:

  1. i like this,it made me think about a time of my life on staten island.
